Does your social media feed give you the feels?

Hey Reader,

They say “What you put out into the universe comes back to you.”

While it doesn’t always work that way, there’s truth to it.

On a smaller scale, I’ve felt it in my social media circle—particularly LinkedIn, which is the main platform I’m active on.

Over the last few years, I’ve curated this digital community of like-minded people who fill my feed with education and inspiration.

Sure, the algorithm can do mysterious things sometimes…

But overall, I get excited to see the people in my feed. They’re talking about similar issues I’m involved with and educating me on others I might not otherwise know about.

It’s energizing to see them out there doing great things. It motivates me to keep talking about the initiatives I care about, whether personally, with Drio, or with Monument Women’s Creative Alliance.

Plus, it helps us attract potential prospects who share our values. Win-win.

It all boils down to leading with our brand values online. By talking about the things we stand for (rather than only hard-selling), we curate an ecosystem that gives us much more than surface-level likes and engagement.

It gives us connection.

You can do the same. Here’s some inspiration to get you started:

👉 Read Hazel’s guest blog on As Fearless Fund faces a lawsuit, a grantee shares what the fund did for her org

👉 Read our latest blog: 4 Ways to Showcase Your Brand Values on Social Media

Let’s keep having the conversations that matter!

The Left Brain

PS: Are we connected on LinkedIn yet? I’d love to see you over there! Send me a connection request with a note about how you know me.

PPS: Want to connect in-person? Monument Women's Creative Alliance is hosting and event in conjunction with the Towson University StarTUp on Thursday, November 2nd at 5:30pm. We'll be hosting Robin Fisher from Polished Image & Style to learn about how you can polish your personal brand and show up both authentically and professionally.

Register here

Hi! I'm Rachel, the Left Brain of Drio.

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