
Hi! I'm Rachel, the Left Brain of Drio.

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Hi Reader, Are you free from 2:00-3:00pm EST today? If so, join me for my office hours. Picture this: you walk right into my virtual office, and we dive into an invigorating conversation about anything that's on your mind. Whether it's brainstorming ideas, addressing challenges, or seeking guidance for your business, I'm here to assist you every step of the way. To make scheduling a breeze, simply click the button below to add the event to your Google Calendar: Sign me up! Join Zoom Room Join...

Hi Reader, Have you ever tried stuffing a pillow into a box? It will fit and it’s still technically a pillow. But there’s no room for air. That’s how I was feeling just before Rachel and I left for WordCamp in Italy last month. The lead-up to the trip was particularly busy as we prepared to be out of the office for two weeks, closed out tasks, and made sure the team was set. When we landed in Italy, I felt a rush of air. It was like taking the pillow out of a box—I unraveled and resettled...

Hi Reader, By the time you read this, Hazel and I will be in Turin, Italy. Fancy, right? We’re attending WordCamp, a conference all about WordPress, which is our website platform of choice. Whether or not that sounds like your ideal Italian getaway, it is right up our alley. WordCamp conferences bring together thousands of people in the WordPress community to connect and advance our shared knowledge of the platform. In-person networking meets technology innovation—that’s the Drio dream if you...

Hi Reader, As the gentle breeze of May comes to an end, we're thrilled to share some exciting updates and highlights from this month with you. Welcome our two new members! Say hi to Andrea and Gladys from The Institute for Training and Development's fellows program, who are now part of our team! They're jumping in to help out with Drio and Monument Women’s Creative Alliance's projects. Our brand has always been about celebrating diversity and supporting women, so having them on board feels...

Meet Andrea and Gladys! These two budding leaders traveled from Honduras and El Salvador, respectively, as part of the Institute for Training and Development Professional Fellows Program. For the past two and a half weeks, they’ve been working alongside Hazel and me on Drio and Monument Women’s Creative Alliance. To sum it up… It’s been so much fun! In case you haven’t heard of it, the program gives professionals from other countries opportunities to strengthen their skills and network in the...

Hi Reader, I’ve got to tell you about this coffee shop in Baltimore called Artifact. The food and drinks are great, but do you know what really keeps me and Rachel coming back (and telling all our friends about)? The Larry Factor. You feel it as soon as you walk in. Every time we see Larry behind the counter, he makes a point to brighten our day, make us laugh, and treat us like we’re his only customers (which we’re definitely not). He serves the most delightful experience, not just a nice...

Hi Reader, April has been a month filled with exciting developments and projects here at Drio. We’re thrilled to share some highlights with you. We're going to Wordcamp Italy! We’re over the moon to announce that we’ll be attending WordCamp in Italy! It’s a fantastic opportunity for us, and we can’t wait to immerse ourselves in the vibrant WordPress community. If you’ll be there too, let’s connect and make the most of this experience together! Introducing Drio’s Website Refresh Package Is...

Hi Reader, I cleaned out my pantry for the first time in 14 years. (Pause for applause.) 👏 Maybe the chirping birds and sprouting buds put me in spring-cleaning mode. But I just hit a wall and couldn’t deal with the lack of organization any longer. Years of old cans and bags of snacks had piled up, and it was practically impossible to tell what was on each shelf. That meant we often restocked food items that were already in the pantry—which is the worst. So I decided it was high time for a...

Hi Reader, Everyone bought a ticket that was supposed to include a meal. It was prime dinner time. Stomachs were starting to rumble. And then… we found out that the food wasn’t coming. 🤦♀️ That’s what happened just before our International Women’s Day Soirée started. In the eleventh hour, we discovered there was a date mix-up with catering. Our own stomachs dropped—and then we kicked into high gear. Rachel and I scrambled to assemble refreshments. With some help from our board members, we...

Hi Reader, As we bid farewell to March, we reflect on a month filled with significant milestones and memorable experiences. Without a doubt, the highlight of the month was our celebration of the 2024 International Women's Day which was put on by us through our organization Monument Women's Creative Alliance. This event brought together our community in a powerful display of unity, empowerment, and advocacy for gender equality. From thought-provoking panel discussions to engaging activities at...