Own the hiccup

Hi Reader,

Everyone bought a ticket that was supposed to include a meal.

It was prime dinner time.

Stomachs were starting to rumble.

And then… we found out that the food wasn’t coming. 🤦‍♀️

That’s what happened just before our International Women’s Day Soirée started. In the eleventh hour, we discovered there was a date mix-up with catering.

Our own stomachs dropped—and then we kicked into high gear.

Rachel and I scrambled to assemble refreshments. With some help from our board members, we made a quick run to Whole Foods for charcuterie boards and ordered quesadillas. However, it wasn't the meal everyone had anticipated.

The event was still inspiring, educational, and loads of fun. We also did our best to make it up to everyone by offering attendees free access to a future event.

But it felt disastrous in the moment. Of course, that’s always how it feels when plans or expectations fall short. We feel inadequate or afraid of what others will think.

Here’s the thing. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how you own and respond to the hiccup.

Whether it’s a dry spell in business, a mistake in a project, a marketing campaign that flops (or a hungry crowd), you can bounce back.

That’s resilience.

As business owners, we’re not going to dodge every obstacle that comes our way, and that’s a good thing. We can use our reactions to build ourselves up and show our people what we value.

It’s easy when it’s easy. What really counts is what you do in the midst of—and in response to—the hiccups.

Remember that next time you’re unexpectedly faced with a hungry crowd.

You’ve got this.


The Right Brain

PS: Need some website or marketing support?

Here’s how we can help:

  • Credit Hours: These convenient plans cover website updates and tweaks, keeping your digital home in tip-top shape.
  • Office Hours: Join my virtual office for on-call marketing advice, business brainstorming, and problem-solving.
  • Quarterly Website Refresh Package: Includes homepage touch-ups, news updates on your blog, and bi-annual newsletters.

Need to tackle some long-term goals? Check out our digital marketing strategy sessions.

Hi! I'm Rachel, the Left Brain of Drio.

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