Here’s your sign to lean into your story

Hi Reader,

Last month, I went to Japan with my mom and sister. Our goal was to connect with our relatives and better understand the Japanese side of our story.

You see, my mom is the epitome of a Peruvian woman, but she bears her parents’ Japanese last name, Sakata. People often ask why that is.

It’s a tale of immigration, perseverance, and dedication to family.

Long story short, my great-grandfather immigrated from Japan to Peru after a tsunami devastated his city and his business. He married, built a new life, and sent money back to his family in Japan.

Two generations later, my mom was born. When she was grown, she eventually came to the States.

And here I am today, married and raising 4th generation Japanese/Peruvian/Americans.

I’m keen on teaching my kids about our heritage because the more I get to know the Japanese side of our family, the more I learn about personal values that run deep.

For instance:

  • Entrepreneurship is in our blood
  • We’re fiercely loyal to each other
  • We’re destined to be coastal people as very few of us live in land-locked cities
  • We’re disciplined but also value moments of stillness

In a way, learning more about my literal DNA feels like establishing a brand DNA. But that’s a topic for another time.

For now, I’m relishing in memories of walking Wakayama’s calm, red maple-lined streets with my loved ones.

Those memories serve as a waypoint for what matters most, even when times get busy and that end-of-year bustle kicks in.

We all want to know what makes us us. Whether it’s connecting with your heritage or simply reflecting on your personal values, I hope you find some space to do so as 2023 winds down.

Talk soon,


The Right Brain

PS: Speaking of values, guess what! Drio’s applications for Women's Business Enterprise National Council and Women-Owned Small Business certifications have been approved! This means we’ll be able to connect with and support even more women-owned businesses that share our values. 🥳

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Hi! I'm Rachel, the Left Brain of Drio.

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